Friday, August 1, 2008

sauteed kohlrabi

Our generous friend Zillah recently gave us bundles and bundles of produce, fresh from her family's garden. (I'm going to post pictures soon, because it was just so pretty.) One of the things she gave us was a kohlrabi. I had no idea what it was or what I do with it, but I was delighted to get it because it looked like something from outer space.

We looked over some recipes and ended up deciding to simply saute it. We tried a few slices raw (reminded me of jicama), and then I fried up a few batches. I added garlic to one, garam masala to another, and just salted the rest. The garlic was overpowering, the garam masala was pleasant, and the salt was just right.

I'm not going to bother with a recipe here--just peel it, slice it, saute it to the desired tenderness, and season it with whatever makes you happy.

1 comment:

Zillah said...

you're so brave! and the kolrabi actually looks...pretty in your photos. almost makes me want to paint a wall kolrabi purple. almost.

my parents will be happy to hear that kolrabi can be eaten, after all.