Of course. : ) We usually just do tomatoes on buttered toast, but after staring at your delicious sandwich all day, I had to have something with cheese. We didn't have any squash, but we had some pesto left from last time we made these, so we took the lazy route to dinner.
Mmmm I love pesto - this sounds amazing.
For more great pesto recipes, check out: http://iheartpesto.blogspot.com
Hey Brozy,
Did i inspire you to make that sandwich? :)
Havarti is a great cheese and with tomato pesto, I bet it tastes awesome!
Expedited Writer:
Of course. : ) We usually just do tomatoes on buttered toast, but after staring at your delicious sandwich all day, I had to have something with cheese. We didn't have any squash, but we had some pesto left from last time we made these, so we took the lazy route to dinner.
Yes, but it's hard to go wrong with a tomato sandwich. And that one looks delicious!
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